About Sanctuary Estate Planning

About Kathryn

I am the go to person for all things estate planning. I can be found keeping my knowledge up to date with a constantly moving profession.

I live in Caerphilly, with my partner, Gareth, and we have a wonderful boy Callum. When I am not out at park, play centre or in Cardiff bay walking, I love dining out in new restaurants. I also enjoy keeping myself fit and active.

Getting under the skin

Proudest moment:
The birth of my son Callum. Priorities in life change when children come along

Three words that would describe you:
Honest – Committed – Methodical

Top three podcasts or books:

  • Girl, wash your face – Rachel Hollis
  • Loose lips – Luisa Zissman
  • Girl boss radio – Sophia Amoruso
  • What are the values that drive you?
    Honesty should be the bedrock of your foundation, as it will define who you are before you even allow others to know more about you. If you always deal in the truth, you’ll live a life with far less worry

    Inspirational quote:
    Believe in yourself. You are braver than you think, more talented than you know, & capable of more than you imagine – Roy Bennett

    Advice in relation to Estate planning, trusts and Inheritance Tax planning is not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, however, the products used to mitigate tax may be regulated. Will services are also not regulated by the FCA.

    Sanctuary Estate Planning Limited is its own trading entity for the purposes of providing estate planning services. It is registered in England and Wales Reg. 10979831

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